
Get to know me

Thanks for stopping by. My name is Célia and I am a scientist that occasionally brings in cake to the office. I was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal, and I moved abroad to the UK in 2013 looking for a professional achievement. I’m a sweet tooth/ bake-a-holic person and cake is always on the top of my list. In my spare time I go into the kitchen and I bake what makes me happy depending on my mood and the seasonal products available in the supermarket. Figs, strawberries, vanilla and chocolate, these are some examples of products that I could not live without. I guess I got it from my grandmother which used to bake an amazing Portuguese “pão-de-ló”. For those that know me well, they will surely say that I always save some room for dessert.

It all began in a cold Winter

This project Formigas do Açúcar (translates to Sugar Ants) was originally created in 2012 as a cake design business platform. After a long afternoon of brainstorming we came up with the idea of hard-working ants collecting sugar, and so it was! I had the pleasure to attend a couple of Wilton training courses back in the days where I used to do cake design more often. I developed the skills needed to work with sugar paste and it was a lot of fun actually. Nowadays, this blog is all about the baking experience, food styling and ultimately, food photography.

Shoot food photography

It’s true, I’m not a professional photographer but I’ve got some tricks up my sleeves. It turns out photography has soon become a great passion. The light arrangements, understanding the shadows, the composition process, decide on the best angle for the shot, and last but not least the colour scheme. I always begin with a clear idea of what I’m about to bake and the food photography props that I will need to put together to accomplish it. A picture shows so much about you, it’s like an identity card mirroring your personality and unique features.

Try out the recipes

Here you will find the recipe for a diverse range of sweet treats to share with your loved ones. All the recipes are written in both English and Portuguese. Go ahead and try them out, and if you do please tag me on Instagram @formigasdoacucar.

Get in touch

To inquire about recipes or collaborations, you can get in touch with me via email: formigasdoacucar@gmail.com