• Pastries

    Chocolate Éclairs

    French Pastries are always a big hit at my home. Éclairs are traditionally filled in with crème pâtissière, although for this recipe I’ve chosen to use vanilla whipped cream. Choux Pastry 150 ml water 150 ml semi-skimmed milk 120 g unsalted butter 150 g all-purpose flour, sifted 2 free range eggs 1/2 tsp vanilla paste 1/2 tsp salt Chocolate Ganache 200 g dark chocolate 70% cocoa 200 ml double cream Filling and decoration 200 ml whipping cream 4 tablespoons of caster sugar 50 g roasted and chopped hazelnuts Preparation Preheat oven to 200 °C. For the choux pastry, in a medium saucepan put the water to the boil, milk and…