• Sweet loafs

    Brioche bread

    Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature. Do not overheat the milk, it must be lukewarm only. It’s important to keep the dry yeast and salt separate during the initial mixing process. If the salt comes in direct contact with the dry yeast, it can potentially cause the yeast to become inactive or slow down its fermentation process. Ingredients Preparation This recipe was adapted from Preppy Kitchen. *Receita em Português* Certifique-se que todos os ingredientes estão à temperatura ambiente. Não sobreaqueça o leite, este tem de estar apenas morno. É importante manter o fermento e sal separados durante o processo inicial. Se o sal entrar em contacto directo com…

  • Spoon Licking Desserts

    Baked Cheesecake with Oreo crust

    First prepare the strawberry compote and let it cool at ambient temperature. The second step is to prepare the Oreo cookie crust, and lastly the Philadelphia cheese and ricotta filling. Ingredients Cheese filling Oreo cookie crust Strawberry compote Preparation This recipe was adapted from Dafnes Corner. *Receita em Português* Primeiro prepare a compota de morango e deixe arrefecer à temperatura ambiente. O segundo passo consiste em preparar a base de bolacha do cheesecake, e por último o recheio de queijo Philadelphia e ricota. Ingredientes Recheio de queijo Crosta de bolacha Oreo Compota de morango Preparação

  • Cakes

    Carrot and Walnut cake

    This was the cake I decided to prepare for Easter. This is a super fluffy and moist cake. It goes well with cream cheese frosting, although I did not do it this time, I went for a simple icing glaze. I had a little helper on my side this time! My little one is growing too fast. Ingredients Icing glaze Preparation Bundt cake sponge Icing glaze In a bowl mix 3 tablespoon of icing sugar with two tablespoons of water. Mix well until a runny consistency. Drop on top of the cake evenly. *Receita em Português* Este foi o bolo que decidi preparar na Páscoa. E um bolo super fofo…

  • Cakes

    Birthday Cake

    A birthday always has to have cake and candles, after all it is a day to celebrate. My birthday cake this year had an Autumn theme. I usually don’t bake my own cake but considering the unusual circunstancies we are all living, I made my mind and went for it. The main reason is that I’d rather enjoy my day outdoors with family members than being stuck in the kitchen the whole day. “Pão-de-ló” is a typical Portuguese lightweight sponge made out of eggs, sugar and flour. Traditionally it is served without any toppings or fillings, but commonly used in birthday cake recipes. And this is probably the most common…

  • Tarts

    Autumn Fruit Tart Tatin

    Your house will smell so good after baking this treat. I don’t know why I never made a tarte tatin before, but in reality it is a super easy recipe. The puff pastry gets crispy and the fruit caramelized. Serve with whipped cream, or if you’re a sweet tooth person you may as well go for ice cream. Recipe adapted from Good Housekeeping “Ultimate baking collection”. Ingredients 4 plums 2 apples 100 g blackberries 70 g light brown sugar 2 star anise 1 vanilla pod 320 g sheet puff pastry 25 g unsalted butter, sliced Whipped cream, to serve Preparation Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Wash the plums and…