• Tarts

    Fruit Tart with Crème Pâtissière

    This tart is great for a dinner party in Summer and I’m sure everyone will enjoy it. Pastry 190 g all-purpose flour 130 g unsalted butter, cold 90 g icing sugar 20 g cornstarch 30 g ground almonds 1 free range egg 1 tsp vanilla paste Crème Pâtissière 3 free range egg yolks 60 g caster sugar 20 g all-purpose flour 250 ml whole milk 1 vanilla pod 200 ml whipping cream 25 g icing sugar Fresh figs, strawberries and blueberries. Preparation For the pastry: In a bowl combine the flour, icing sugar and the diced cold butter and crumble between your fingers until you get a mixture similar to…