The cherry season arrived in May and I’m absolutely crazy about cherries. I’ve managed to purchase a handful of cherries and decided to bake financiers. Financier is a small French almond cake and these were originally made by nuns in the middle ages. This recipe makes about 10 – 12 financiers.
Recipe adapted from Le Cordon Bleu “Pastry School: 100 step-by-step recipes”.
- 40 g ground almonds
- 100 g icing sugar
- 1 tablespoon pistachio paste
- 2 tsp honey
- 4 free range egg whites (M)
- 45 g plain flour
- pinch baking powder
- 60 g unsalted butter, melted
- 10 cherries
- Preheat the oven to 180 °C and grease and flour a cupcake tray.
- In a bowl combine the ground almonds, icing sugar, pistachio paste and honey.
- Add the egg whites and whisk manually until combined.
- Add the flour and baking powder, mix well.
- Lastly add in the melted butter.
- Pipe the mixture into the cupcake tray or financier moulds.
- Cut the washed cherries in half and pitted. Place half into the top of each financier.
- Bake for 10 – 12 min at 180 °C, then turn the financiers out of the moulds by knocking the cupcake tray against the countertop.
*Receita em Português*
Receita adaptada de Le Cordon Bleu “Pastry School: 100 step-by-step recipes”.
- 40 g amêndoa moída
- 100 g açúcar em pó
- 1 colher de sopa de pasta de pistachio
- 2 colheres de chá de mel
- 4 claras de ovos (M)
- 45 g farinha sem fermento
- pitada de fermento em pó
- 60 g manteiga sem sal, derretida
- 10 cerejas
- Pré-aqueça o forno a 180 ° C e unte e enfarinhe um tabuleiro de cupcakes.
- Numa taça, misture a amêndoa moída, o açúcar em pó, a pasta de pistachio e o mel.
- Adicione as claras e bata manualmente, com vara de arames, até combinar.
- Adicione a farinha e o fermento, misture bem.
- Por fim, adicione a manteiga derretida.
- Coloque a mistura no tabuleiro de cupcakes.
- Corte as cerejas lavadas ao meio e sem caroço. Coloque metade de uma cereja por cima de cada financier.
- Leve ao forno durante 10 – 12 minutos a 180 ° C e depois vire os financiers para cima da bancada.