
Pastéis de Nata

Typical Portuguese pastries known as “Pastéis de Nata” were created in Lisbon in 1837. The ancient recipe was originally developed at the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, where monks developed this delight in the solitude of the monastery grounds.

I must confess that it is quite complicated to bake a batch as good as the ones you eat at your local bakery, since the baking temperature of a domestic oven is lower than the temperature of a professional bakery. Nonetheless, I decided to have a go. Flavour-wise these turned out pretty good. The recipe is down the bottom, in English and Portuguese.


  • 1 litre whole milk
  • lemon zest
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 500 g caster sugar
  • 100 g all-purpose flour
  • 6 free range egg yolks plus 3 free range eggs

500 g puffed pastry


  1. Preheat the oven to 240 ºC.
  2. Bring to the boil the milk, lemon zest and cinnamon stick.
  3. In a bowl mix the caster sugar, egg yolks and eggs, and finally the flour.
  4. Pour a bit of the warmed milk into the egg mixture and whisk vigorously, add the remaining milk.
  5. Whisk the mixture under medium heat until thickens.
  6. Remove the lemon zest and cinnamon stick.
  7. Set aside to cool slightly.

For the puffed pastry, roll the puffed pastry into a log and cut the log in 3 cm even sized discs.

Place the pastry discs into the pastéis de nata tins and press the pastry until it covers the tin.

Spoon the custard into the tins and bake for 15 min or until golden.

Take out of the oven and sprinkle with icing sugar and cinnamon ground.

*Receita em Português*


  • 1 litro leite gordo
  • raspa de limão
  • 1 pau de canela
  • 500 g açúcar branco
  • 100 g farinha sem fermento
  • 6 gemas de ovo e 3 ovos inteiros

500 g massa folhada


  1. Pre-aqueça o forno a 240 ºC.
  2. Aqueça o leite com a casca de limão e pau de canela.
  3. Numa taça misture o açúcar, ovos e gemas, e a farinha.
  4. Tempere as gemas com um pouco do leite, adicione o restante leite e mexa.
  5. Leva ao lume a mistura, e em lume brando mexa até engrossar.
  6. Retire a casca de limão e pau de canela.
  7. Deixe de lado a arrefecer ligeiramente.

Enrole a massa folhada em forma de tronco e corte circulos de 3 cm.

Coloque os discos de massa folhada nas formas e pressione até cobrir a forma completamente.

Deite o creme nas formas e leve ao forno durante 15 min ou até ficarem douradas.

Retire do forno e salpique com açúcar em pó e canela em pó.

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