Spoon Licking Desserts


Whipped cream and lemon curd Pavlova served with Summer berries. This worthwhile beauty with its marshmallowy texture is just delicious.

“You can’t be a proper food blogger if you can’t master the technique of pavlova making.” This was my initial thought as I was having issues with the whole process and seriously I should have done about three pavlovas to get it right eventually. And it was worth the effort!

Below you’ll find the recipe and some tips to bear in mind if you’d like to try it out.



  • Pavlova needs to be cooked at low temperature;
  • You need to use fine caster sugar, it is easier dissolved than regular sugar;
  • Sugar needs to be totally dissolved within the meringue mixture otherwise the pavlova will collapse once out of the oven. You can seek for any remaining sugar grains by feeling it between your fingertips;
  • Pavlova remains inside the oven until cooled down to ambient temperature. Do not attempt to take it out of the oven before, otherwise it will crack.
  • 4 free range egg whites
  • 225 g fine caster sugar
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  • 2 tsp white wine vinegar
  • 300 ml whipping cream
  • 200 ml lemon curd
  • 200 g strawberries
  • 200 g blueberries
  1. Preheat the oven to 160 °C . Cover a baking tray with parchment paper.
  2. In the standing mixing bowl whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form, pour in the sugar, one spoon at a time, until it dissolves completely.
  3. Add in the cornstarch and white wine vinegar until combined.
  4. Place the meringue on the baking tray and shape it into a rounded shape.
  5. Place in the oven and take down the oven temperature to 150 °C. Bake for 1 hour until golden. Leave the pavlova inside the oven until cooled down to ambient temperature.
  6. Once cool, take it out of the oven and garnish with the whipped cream, lemon curd and a mix of berries. Keep it refrigerated. Dust with icing sugar before serving.

*Receita em Português*



  • A pavlova deve ser cozida a temperatura baixa;
  • Deve-se usar açúcar branco fino, para dissolver mais facilmente;
  • O açúcar deve ser dissolvido completamente, caso contrário, a pavlova encolhe após a cozedura (podem sentir com a ponta dos dedos se ainda sentem grãos de açúcar no merengue);
  • A pavlova só deve sair do forno quando estiver completamente fria, caso contrário racha.
  • 4 claras de ovo
  • 225 g açúcar branco fino
  • 2 tsp amido de milho
  • 2 tsp vinagre de vinho branco
  • 300 ml natas para bater
  • 200 ml curd de limão
  • 200 g morangos
  • 200 g mirtilos
  1. Pré-aquecer o forno a 160 °C . Forrar um tabuleiro com papel vegetal.
  2. Na taça da batedeira juntar as claras, bater até consistência de nuvem. Para fazer o merengue, juntar o açúcar gradualmente, colher a colher, até dissolver completamente.
  3. Juntar a farinha de milho e vinagre e misturar.
  4. Colocar o merengue no tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal. Dar uma forma arredondada ao merengue.
  5. Colocar no forno, e descer a temperatura do forno para 150 °C. Cozer durante 1 hora até ficar dourada. Ao fim de 1 hora, desligar o forno e deixar ficar a pavlova dentro do forno para arrefecer completamente.
  6. Uma vez fria, retire do forno e decore com as natas batidas, lemon curd e frutas frescas. Manter no frigorifico. Polvilhar com açúcar em pó antes de servir.